New "Off-The-Grid" Healthcare Secrets Big Medicine Doesn't Want You To Know About...Enter your text here...
Dear Friend,
Obamacare isn't changing a thing. In fact, it is making things far worse. And even if something positive ever comes from this government-imposed fiasco, it will be like applying a little bit of spackling compound here and hammering on a few new shingles there... while the truth is... the very foundation is crumbling.
And Obamacare is only adding to the shortage problem with more and more Americans demanding medical services of all kinds.
But what about the supply? It’s actually shrinking, because according to a study by the New England Journal of Medicine, close to half -- 46% -- of primary care physicians are quitting because of Obamacare. That means fewer and fewer doctors are struggling to serve more patients. And that's a prescription for disaster!
Are you hoping that because you have a "Cadillac" insurance plan this won't affect you? Don't be too sure! Obamacare ensures that it's really only a matter of time until government regulations force "Cadillac" insurers out of business.
The new health care law limits your care another way, too. If you've ever had a Flexible Savings Account (FSA), you know that you can put pre-tax money into it to help pay for things like medical bills. FSA's are a great way to fund important and necessary expenses, like co-pays and deductibles, laser eye surgery, braces, and treatments that your regular plan doesn't cover.
Obamacare is stifling choice and innovation even further. The government can only control health care costs if it controls what is and isn't offered. That means cookie-cutter medicine, no matter how unique your situation is! Please read that again! This is a dangerous road to be traveling on.
The fact of the matter is this... the health care "reform" law is only the first step. The real agenda? Bypass health insurance companies altogether and create a single-payer system - the government!
Seven Shocking Secrets Behind the Total
Breakdown of The U.S. Health Care System
Reason #1 Quality health care is already in short supply
Right now, there aren't nearly enough primary care doctors ... not to mention physicians assistants and nurse practitioners... to serve us. We're short over 16,000 family doctors right now. And the shortage will only grow worse in the next decade. And that's just general practitioners. Have you tried to get in to see a specialist lately? The wait can be three or four months - or longer!
And that's just today. If Obamacare is fully enacted, demand for doctors' appointments will only increase, instantly adding 32 million more Americans who will be demanding medical services of all kinds. The spike in demand will be huge and felt within weeks!
But what about the supply? It will actually shrink, because according to a study by the New England Journal of Medicine, close to half - 46% - of primary care physicians will quit if health care "reform" becomes law. Fewer doctors will struggle to serve more patients. And that's a prescription for disaster!
Forget plan B, the emergency room It used to be that if you couldn't get in to see a doctor and things got really bad, you could go to the emergency room. For many people, that's no longer an option. Why? Because public hospitals are closing left and right. With the economy in dire straits, cash-strapped local governments are slashing budgets wherever they can. And city and county hospitals are in the crosshairs. Who will take up the slack? For-profit hospitals, of course - but just as with doctors, demand will far outstrip the supply. Get in line, take a number, and hope you don't die while you're waiting!
Reason #2 Medical bills are literally bankrupting hardworking, middle-class Americans
It's no secret that bankruptcies are at an all time high. What's not as well known is this startling fact: the majority of them are driven by the cost of healthcare! A whopping 6 out of 10 people who declare bankruptcy do so because of medical bills. Families who go bankrupt have almost $18,000 in out of pocket medical expenses. Here's the kicker: most of those families have insurance! How can this be? Keep reading.
Reason #3 Insurance companies slash their costs... at your expense
More and more, insurance companies are getting between patients and their doctors, refusing to pay for perfectly legitimate treatments. We've all heard the horror stories. Bean counters seize upon the slightest excuse to deny your claims. To them, you're a number on an actuarial sheet, and they'll do anything to make sure they profit, even if it's at the expense of your suffering. And when they won't pay up?
Few people, when they're ill, have the stamina to fight their insurance company as well as their illness. Instead, they give up and look elsewhere to fund their treatments. They'll tap into their home equity. They'll max out credit cards and take out loans. It's no wonder so many people lose their homes and are forced into bankruptcy because of medical bills.
Most of them don't know the secret to obtaining 5-star medical treatment, with no waiting, at a fraction of the cost. But you will, in just a few moments!
Are you hoping that because you have a "Cadillac" insurance plan this won't affect you? Don't be too sure! If the recent health care legislation isn't overturned, it's only a matter of time until government regulations force "Cadillac" insurers out of business.
Reason #4 Nobody knows what health care really costs
Would you have new carpet installed in your home if the carpet sales rep couldn't tell you up front what the price tag was? Of course not! But when it comes to medical tests and treatments, many of us don't ask. We assume our insurance will pick up most of the tab and we'll figure out a way to pay for the rest of it. And this is just one reason costs are so high.
If you need to check into the hospital for treatment, they can't tell you up front what it will cost. If you've ever seen an itemized hospital bill, you'll know why. The same lack of transparency goes for all kinds of outpatient treatments and diagnostics, too. When nobody knows or cares what the real cost is, there's no incentive to keep costs down.
Reason #5 Government regulations stand in the way of you getting the care you need
The government has all kinds of ways to limit your access to health care. If you're on Medicare, for instance, there are restrictions on what doctors you can see, how much they'll pay for a particular procedure, and more. Even having good insurance is no guarantee. If you want a treatment that's even slightly out of the mainstream, good luck. All too often, overly zealous state medical boards don't think it's "customary or regular," and go after doctors who offer proven, effective, but less common treatments.
The new health care legislation limits your care another way, too. If you've ever had a Flexible Savings Account (FSA), you know that you can put pre-tax money into it to help pay for things like medical bills. FSA's are a great way to fund important and necessary expenses, like co-pays and deductibles, laser eye surgery, braces, and treatments that your regular plan doesn't cover.
But now, Uncle Sam thinks you're getting too large of a tax break. The new law caps FSA's at $2500 per plan. What a joke! One or two tests or procedures, and that money is GONE. One colonoscopy or one MRI, and you've blasted through 80% of your year's FSA money. One root canal with accompanying crown, and your account is empty!
You'd better hope and pray everyone in your family stays really healthy!
Reason #6 Unsatisfactory, unsafe hospital experiences
Any time you're hospitalized in the United States, you face two big obstacles to a smooth recovery. The first is the care you get while you're there. You'd better take along a companion to stay with you 24/7. Why? Because there simply aren't enough skilled nurses available to ensure adequate care. About one out of every seven nursing positions (13%) go unfilled, and that number will increase to one out of five - a whopping 20% - in 5 more years.
What happens if you're admitted to a hospital that isn't fully staffed with qualified nurses (and most are not)? Your health risks soar - you're far more likely to get bedsores, infections, pneumonia... or even die early!
And it's a vicious cycle. As the remaining nurses are forced to work overtime, they become more stressed. Many leave the field because of the overwhelming demands place on them. Others are drained from the hospital system to try and plug the gaps and stand in as nurse practitioners for overworked primary care doctors.
The other big problem with hospitalization? They can't show you the door fast enough! Often you're discharged too early and sent home to fend for yourself. It's not because they don't want to keep you; it's because your insurer is only willing to pay for a limited stay, even if you should stay longer.
Reason #7 Lack of innovation and choice
Institutionalized medicine is the antithesis of choice and innovation. Entrenched interests - the American Medical Association, the insurance companies, and the prescription drug cartels - are in cahoots to stifle competition. This means that by hook or by crook, they only allow you access to "proven" treatments.
It's extremely hard to get permission to try anything innovative - even for people who are terminally ill! In fact, many treatments that have been proven successful in other countries are outlawed here. If you want ozone therapy, for instance, a safe and effective treatment for cardiovascular disease, cancer, diabetes, and more, you can forget about it here. You'll have to go to Germany, Cuba, or Russia to get it.
Are you "socially useful" enough to deserve medical care?
It's extremely hard to get permission to try anything innovative - even for people who are terminally ill! In fact, many treatments that have been proven successful in other countries are outlawed here. If you want ozone therapy, for instance, a safe and effective treatment for cardiovascular disease, cancer, diabetes, and more, you can forget about it here. You'll have to go to Germany, Cuba, or Russia to get it.
This heavy-handed approach to what's acceptable in medicine and what's not effectively limits your choice of treatment at the doctor's office. If you have cancer, for instance, chances are your doctor will suggest chemo. You can forget about the many innovative, non-toxic treatments, such as ozone therapy, that are offered in other countries. Again, these treatments are illegal in the United States.
Don't be fooled... just follow the money. Chemo is where the real profits are for oncologists. But if you're expecting a regimen that's carefully crafted for your situation, think again. Chemotherapy today in many hospitals is more akin to a factory assembly line. You're likely to get the "chemo du jour," a chemical cocktail that might work for you, or it might not. (Rest assured, though, the doctor will profit handsomely from the procedure.)
If Obamacare becomes law, it will stifle choice and innovation even further. The government can only control health care costs if it controls what is and isn't offered. That means cookie-cutter medicine, no matter how unique your situation is! Please read that again! This is a dangerous road to be traveling on.
The fact of the matter is this... the health care "reform" legislation passed by Congress is only the first step. The real agenda? Bypass health insurance companies altogether and create a single-payer system - the government!
But we have only to look at our friends in England to see what will happen. The average waiting time for surgery in the UK is downright shameful. For instance...
Hernia repair - 5 months ... You'd better hope it doesn't strangulate!
Slipped disc - 5 months ... Too bad if you're in excruciating pain.
Cataract surgery - 8 months ... No matter that you're going blind.
Hip replacement - 11 months ... But your dog can get a hip replacement in a week.
Knee replacement - 12 months ... Walk? Who "needs" to walk?
Kidney transplant - 28 months ... If you're a young adult, that is. If you're older, an ethnic minority, or have diabetes, chances are you'll wait much longer.
Here's the bottom line: the only way to guarantee that everybody gets health care is to limit how much you can get. Period. There aren't enough doctors, MRI machines, or hospital beds available for everyone.
And that means rationing, plain and simple.
Think it won't come to that? Think again.
Dr. Donald Berwick, tapped by President Obama as the new administrator of the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, was hired for one thing: to cut costs. At least he didn't lie about his intentions. Here's what he said: "The decision is not whether or not we will ration care ... the decision is whether we will ration with our eyes open."
The Big Question: How Would Care Be Rationed?
Be afraid. Be very afraid. Because unelected government officials are on record spelling out precisely how care would be rationed. And it all comes down to this:
Are you "socially useful" enough to deserve medical care?
Dr. Ezekiel Emanuel, a health advisor to the President, has an idea on how to ration: doctors should decide, for the good of society at large, who is worthy of treatment and who is not.
Emanuel makes no bones about it: he believes that some patients deserve fewer resources, while others deserve more. It's based on their "social usefulness." If you're between the ages of 15 and 40, you're in Dr. Emanuel's sweet spot. According to his "social usefulness" formula, you should get higher priority access to health care. That's because society has already invested its resources in you, and you're in a position to contribute substantially to society. But if you're very young, or very old, watch out!
As socialized medicine gets an ever-tightening grip on the U.S. health care system, your very life could be at risk. What can you do? Keep reading, and you'll learn about one of the best-kept secrets when it comes to protecting your health, and the health of your loved ones... no matter what your age or level of "social usefulness."
There's a secret to getting inexpensive, top-quality care that institutionalized medicine doesn't want you to know about.
Would you want your grandmother treated like this?
"Health care services that ensure full and active participation by citizens are to be socially guaranteed as basic... services provided to individuals who are [not] participating citizens... should not be guaranteed. An obvious example is not guaranteeing health services to patients with dementia."
Dr. Ezekiel Emanuel, Health Advisor to President Obama
How One Plane Ticket
Can Put You Back In Control Of Your Own Healthcare
More and more, Americans are actually leaving this
country and finding 5-star medical care abroad.
It's called "medical tourism," and it used to be only for the mavericks among us, or the very rich. Now, more hardworking, middle class Americans than ever before are flocking to 5-star hospitals and treatment centers all around the globe. Not only are they saving money, but they're also getting better care than they can here.
If you need medical treatment, who says you need to have it in the United States? You don't! International medical care puts you in charge of your healthcare, not bureaucrats and bean counters. Hop on a plane, and in a matter of hours, you've arrived at a world class, state-of-the art treatment facility.
The Ultimate Medical Tourism Manual: How to Save Thousands of Dollars on State-of-the-Art Treatment Abroad will show you how. It's an indispensable resource for anyone who wants to take back control of their own health care.
I'll tell you more about this essential resource in a moment. But first ...
Make No Mistake About It...
The Benefits Of International Medical Care Go Far Beyond Cost.
Cost is one thing. But international medical care is far more than just a financial bargain. Globalization has taken competition to every corner of the globe... and medical treatment is no exception.
International hospitals want your business. Free market forces inspire them to offer better services, more luxurious accommodations, stellar care, and lower prices.
Take, for example, the Krishna Heart and Super Specialty Institute in Ahmedabad, India. This world-renowned hospital on a park-like campus performs thousands of cardiac surgeries every year. The hospital's International Patient Center can assist you with all aspects of your visit. You need to deal with only a single point of contact, who helps you with your travel planning, transportation to and from the airport, and lodging. You'll also have a knowledgeable escort who accompanies you, if you wish, at doctors' consultations and medical procedures. Hospital rooms are comfortably furnished with all the modern amenities, and concierge services are available. You're taken care of from the moment you step off the plane, until you're on your way home. And the best part... they speak English!
Inexpensive LASIK eye surgery will help you appreciate Belize's beautiful scenery even more!
Want LASIK eye surgery, but it's still a little too pricey for you to have done here? Hop on a short plane ride to Belize, the only English-speaking country in Latin America. It's one of the best-kept secrets in the medical world, and LASIK eye surgery is a fraction of the cost there. Extend your stay and enjoy a few extra days in a simple, picturesque village or a lush beachfront resort.
Over a dozen countries around the world offer world-class medical services like these. How are they able to do such an outstanding job?
One word: competition.
They want your business, and they'll work to get it. Here are five reasons why treatment abroad can be superior to anything you'll find at home.
#1 State of the art facilities
Overseas treatment centers that want to attract patients from all over the world know that state of the art facilities are non-negotiable. If you are ever unfortunate enough to have a brain tumor, you may want to head for the University Medical Center in Freiburg, Germany. This medical center focuses on unique diagnostic procedures and treatments and stays on top of the latest research in order to bring you world-class care. Typically, you don't get just one doctor, but rather an interdisciplinary specialist team.
If you're seeking alternative cancer treatment, you may wish to head to the Budwig Center in Spain. This well respected facility pioneered the famous Budwig Protocol for cancer, which boasts a 90% success rate.
India has some of the finest cardiac facilities in the world despite the low sticker price. The Krishna Heart and Super Specialty Institute, for example, is ISO certified and is run by specialists who studied in America - and then took what they learned, brought it back to India, and made it even better.
#2 A high level of hands-on care
By the way you're treated at many U.S. hospitals, you'd never know the word "hospital" shares the same root as the word "hospitality." At far too many facilities in the U.S., you're just another number. Nurses, who have too many patients to care for, can take forever to answer the call button.
When you choose an international facility, they're delighted to have you. The staff to patient ratio is more than ample. You're treated like a special guest throughout your stay. Your doctor and his team are likely to speak excellent English. You're likely to be assigned your own nurse who understands your condition and keeps on top of your case. In many cases, you even have the option of having a private nurse with you during every step of the recovery process.
#3 Five-star recuperation environments
Hospital Punta Pacifica in Panama City.
Studies show that patients who recover in pleasant surroundings get better faster. Duh! Overseas facilities put great effort into making the recovery environment as pleasant as possible. Many hospital rooms are more like suites in a hotel. In many cases, once you're discharged from the hospital you'll still be in-country for a few more days' recuperation. Affordable, 5-star resorts will make it seem more like a vacation.
#4 Full transparency of medical costs
Have you ever tried to find out what a hospital stay in your city would cost you before you went in? You can't.
In the U.S., medical billing is incredibly complex. First, there's a room charge. And a phone charge. And a television charge. Medications. You're charged for every single supply they use on you: bandages, IV bags, syringes, and so on. Throw in a parade of surgeons, anesthesiologists, therapists, and more, all with their own way of calculating the bills, and it's an accountant's nightmare.
Overseas facilities, on the other hand, don't seem to have that problem. Most package their fees so that there's no guesswork and no unwelcome surprises. It's easy to comparison shop between overseas providers before you go.
#5 No waiting
These days, if you need surgery, bureaucratic delays can get in the way. Your insurance company requires pre-approval, for instance, and sometimes that process is as slow as molasses. With Obamacare, delays are only becoming more pronounced. The laws of supply and demand are becoming even more skewed, and you may have to wait months to get the treatment you need. Just ask any citizen of the UK or Canada. They have plenty of horror stories to tell.
With overseas medical care, things move much more quickly. Overseas providers are glad to have your business and have streamlined the entire process. And in case of emergencies, thanks to Air Ambulance services, you could be in your hometown ER one day, and in another country the next, undergoing the treatment that you need.
It Doesn't Always Happen To "Somebody Else."
Sometimes It Happens To You!
Nobody plans an illness or accident. But the fact is that many of us, sooner or later, will need treatment for a serious or bothersome medical condition. If that should ever happen, wouldn't you want the peace of mind that comes with knowing medical bills won't bankrupt you? That you won't die waiting for some bureaucrat to allow you access to the treatment you need? That you have options?
Introducing The "Encyclopedia" Of Medical Tourism:
596 Pages Filled With Everything You Need To Know
About Finding Medical Care Abroad!
The Ultimate Medical Tourism Manual: How to Save Thousands of Dollars on State-of-the-Art Treatment Abroad is an indispensable resource, whether you have a pressing need today, or you're being prudent for tomorrow. This breakthrough primer covers it all... from what's wrong with U.S. health care today, to how to find stellar care abroad. It's chock-full of what Big Pharma, Big Medicine and even the mainstream media won't tell you under any circumstances:
Why health care "reform" is really just a euphemism for "rationing"
Myths About Obamacare
Myth: "The new health care system will save you money"... Myth: "The quality of medical care will improve"... Myth: "You can keep your doctor." It’s already surfacing just how bad the health care "reform" law is and why you can't trust the empty promises of greedy politicians...
It's Been Nothing But
Lies, Lies And More Lies!
How the trifecta of today's health care - Institutionalized Medicine, Big Pharma, and Big Insurance - fail to deliver on their promises and rob you of your money... and your health!
With this new book you'll learn how to find state-of-the-art medical care beyond U.S. borders, including...
Treatment options for cancer, diabetes, heart disease, and more
Cost comparisons for dozens of different surgeries, procedures and treatments
Planning your trip abroad:
The top 4 destinations for fast, excellent medical care
Plus: Comprehensive profiles of 15 popular destination countries and the specialized medical treatments they offer.
Ka-Ching! You won't believe the prices of overseas care! You'll save thousands of dollars on medical costs.
The cost of surgical procedures alone, not even counting hospitalization and other costs, can be out of reach for many Americans. In the United States, that is. For those who don't have insurance that covers certain procedures, going abroad for treatment can be a cost-effective solution.
Procedure | U.S. Cost | Cost Abroad |
Rhinoplasty | $7,000 | $300 (Panama) -- you save $6700! |
Laser eye surgery | $4,400 | $350 (Brazil) - you save $4,050! |
Dental bridge | $1,500-4,000 | $250-$600 (Mexico and Hungary) - you save up to $3750! |
Hip replacement | $45,000 | $7,000 (Taiwan) - you save $38,000! |
Pacemaker implant | $40,000 | $7,000 (India) - you save $33,000! |
In-vitro fertilization | $14,500 | $4,000 (Argentina) - you save $10,500! |
There are dozens of different reasons to seek overseas medical treatment. If you lose your job or your insurance, or if your insurance refuses to approve your treatment, you don't have to go bankrupt trying to pay for the care you need. It's available in other countries for a fraction of the cost.
If you're worried about the quality of care you'll get stateside, you can easily find a world-class treatment facility overseas.
If you're looking for truly cutting edge treatments that are outlawed here, an international clinic is the place to go.
As the old saying goes, "Luck favors the prepared." And when you're facing a health problem, you want all the luck you can get. You'll want to act now so that if the need for medical treatment should arise, you'll have all the information you need right at your fingertips to make the best decision for your situation ... and your bank account. For just $39.95, plus shipping and handling of $9.95 for a total of $49.90, you can have this indispensable resource on your bookshelf.
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By the way, if you respond within 10 days, we have a very special bonus for you! You'll also get The Ultimate Medical Tourism Manual in MP3 format, on CDs that you can play in your car or on your computer.
Look, you know it and I know it. The only person you can really rely on is yourself. You can't always depend on the government or your insurer to do right by you. That's why having the right information at the right time is so crucial.
Don't wait until you're blindsided by an unexpected health problem and stonewalled by unresponsive bureaucrats. Act now to put the resources in place that will let you take control over your own health care.
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P.S. Obamacare is already proving to be a disaster... and... is an extremely dangerous blow to your health and your freedom. But you know what? For the most part... it's somewhat irrelevant. The U.S. health care system was already broken with no easy fixes in sight. The Ultimate Medical Tourism Manual is your ticket to health care freedom... no matter what happens in Washington! Please don't delay a moment longer. Call 815-259-4552.
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